Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage

Life has changed throughout the past decade. The phrase “gay marriage” nowadays does not sound as something new or extraordinary. Today, even old people have heard a lot about gays and lesbians. Attitudes toward homosexuality are different in various societies. Social position on homosexuality depends on the accepted ways of conceptualizing homosexuality. In the twentieth century, the attitude towards homosexuality was affecting science and movements for human rights.

The fate of the prisoners

The Death Penalty

Recently, there has been a lot of debate on death penalty. The main issue of debate is whether it can be perceived ethically as an excellent way of chastisement. It is argued that death penalty is carried out as verification to others that murder is intolerable. Regardless of the ease of the saying, a lot of ridicule is witnessed in the death sentence. The implementation of death penalty though seen as a punishment option is and infringement and will not address crimes in a society that is democratic.

The Great Wall of China

Qin and Yuan Dynasties in China

The Qin Dynasty ruled in China between 221 and 206 BC. It was the first imperial dynasty in China which lasted for fifteen years. It brought unified China after conquering all other major states and the Zhou dynasty.



New York is the city located on the north-east of the United States. New York is the largest city in the country; along with numerous suburbs, it forms one of the world's largest urban agglomerations. It is located at the mouth of the Hudson River, with numerous bays and channels, forming a convenient harbor.

The Effect of Factory Farming on the Environment

The Effect of Factory Farming on the Environment

In order to organize economic activities that would help to meet business needs, people create industries that produce some useful products. For production of these products, the companies use materials and energy resources, the primary source of which is the natural environment. Factory farming is one of those industries that use natural environment in order to produce meat for needs of local population. However, each manufacture process and industry makes its negative effect on the environment.

Turning the World Green

Turning the World Green

Going green refers to the process of implementing crucial lifestyle changes tailored at helping individuals live in a more eco-friendly manner. It entails individuals becoming environmentally aware hence changing their overall behavior and lifestyle, which helps reduce the overall amount of waste and pollution released to the environment. The process of going green calls for the understanding of green products and their subsequent use in the process of averting environmental pollution.

Unborn child

Ethics of Abortion

The ethics of abortion relate to the question of whether the deliberate termination of pregnancy prematurely is right or wrong. Different people support either side of the argument, while some have no stand on the issue. Those opposing its morality base their arguments on the value of the child’s life. Those supporting abortion base their arguments on the right of the mother to use her body with discretion and her right to life. Despite the various points of view regarding abortion, it is unethical and immoral.

Presidential and Parliamentary Systems

Presidential and Parliamentary Systems

The adoption of either a presidential or parliamentary executive form of government forms a critical and important part of any constitutional design. Over the years, there have been debates on the merits and demerits of either of the systems of government. What is not disputed, however, is the fact that a nation’s type of government generally refers to the organization of the state’s executive, legislative, and judicial organs. The selection of either of the systems of government has been used as an indication of the level of democracy that the said country practices.

Japanese flag

Japanese Politics

The Liberal Democratic Party dominated Japanese national politics for more than five decades. The LDP had been governing the country since the year 1995 with brief interludes. The LDP’s reign came to an end in August 2009, and it has lost its long hold on power. Even if The LDP had previously lost power in the 1993/94 elections, it had the highest number of members in parliament and was able to exercise influence over the then coalition government. The 2009 loss to The Democratic power was, therefore, the most devastating defeat for The LDP party. It not only lost to The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), but it also lost almost two-thirds of the seats it controlled in the lower house of parliament.

group of people

Christian Psychology

All people are created by the God’s will to be different; thus, all have different abilities. Being organized in the society, the humankind has evolved through a process of cultural and religious selection. Being a system of ideas and values, Christianity has spread all over the world and has established a person of certain behavior. Generally, Christian psychology helps people to maintain social stability and leads to inner stability.